Result for the year

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1 min
15 December 2000
Press contact

With a net turnover of DKK 17,453 million for the half-year, 17.4 – 1.10.2000, the newly established Arla Foods posted profits of DKK 399 million. At Wednesday’s meeting of the Board of Representatives in Århus, Managing Director Jens Bigum described the result as “generally satisfactory in view of the merger and national and international competition”.

For the Danish co-operative owners the result ex farm totalled 246.29 øre per kg standardised milk. This is based on the half year result for the old MD Foods and the Danish share of the half year result for Arla Foods.
The result for MD Foods for the period 4.10.1999 to 16.4.2000 was DKK 486 million against DKK 768 million for the full year the previous year.
For 1999/2000 (15 months), Arla ekonomisk förening posted a result of SEK 55 million following supplementary payments of SEK 134 million. The main difference is due to the fact that Arla ekonomisk förening has operated an account policy aimed at maximising on account payments, while MD Foods has had a tradition of paying a large supplementary payment. Thus, the supplementary payment amounted to 17.07 Danish øre per kg for Danish co-operative owners, and 5 Swedish øre to Swedish co-operative owners.
Three Board of Representative meetings were held: Arla ekonomisk förening held its meeting on Tuesday, Arla Foods amba on Wednesday and MD Foods amba on Thursday.

Result DKKmillion
Net turnover 17,453
of which outside Denmark and Sweden 8,200
% outside Denmark and Sweden 47%
Net result 399
Supplementary payment 276
Consolidation 123

Milk received Million kg
Milk received million kg 3,344
of which in Denmark 1,914
of which in Sweden 993
of which the rest 437

Number of co-operative owners 16,121
of which in Denmark 8,639
of which in Sweden 7,482

No. empoyees (man years) 18,622

Arla Foods is an international dairy company owned by more than 8,400 farmers from Denmark, Sweden, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Arla Foods is one of the leading players in the international dairy arena with well-known brands like Arla®, Lurpak®, Puck® and Castello®. Arla Foods is focused on providing good dairy nourishment from sustainable farming and operations and is also the world's largest manufacturer of organic dairy products.

Press contact

Arla Group Press Office
Arla Group Press Office (journalists/media only) +4591310310