Organic cheese for US

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1 min
04 May 2001
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Arla Foods has now received its first order for organic products for the US.

The order is for the organic varieties of havarti and Danish blue which are already Arla Foods’ two main export cheeses to the US. The products, to be launched under the Harmonie brand, will be available from mid-May.

As in Denmark, the organic market in the US is largely dominated by milk, fermented dairy products and vegetables. Cheese accounts for a small proportion of all organic milk products sales.

Read more about our organic milk products

Arla Foods is an international dairy company owned by more than 8,400 farmers from Denmark, Sweden, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Arla Foods is one of the leading players in the international dairy arena with well-known brands like Arla®, Lurpak®, Puck® and Castello®. Arla Foods is focused on providing good dairy nourishment from sustainable farming and operations and is also the world's largest manufacturer of organic dairy products.

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Arla Group Press Office
Arla Group Press Office (journalists/media only) +4591310310