The cooking cream Arla Köket Panna, which was launched in Sweden in September, is proving highly successful. The product is currently selling more than double the forecast while demand continues to rise. ”Basically, this is
Representatives from Danish dairies are today meeting at Steensgaard Herregård to consider ways of reviving the tradition for using raw milk cheese within the context of Nordic food traditions. Arla has invited all Danish dairies
Saudi Arabia Denmark and the boycott were again mentioned in Friday prayers, but less prominently than last week. Neither Arla nor Arla brands were referred to. The boycott of Danish products continues. Staff are s
Butter and cheese from Arla Foods are back in 3,000 shops and supermarkets in the Middle East. At the same time, 31 of Arla’s largest retail customers in Saudi Arabia have confirmed that they will return Arla products to their shelves on
Following a tough and dramatic 2006 with boycotts and bombings, Arla Foods' new joint venture in Lebanon has had a great start to 2007 with rising sales.
Arla Foods’ Innovation Department takes part in Danish project aimed at introducing ”intelligent” food. Twenty families in Århus, Denmark, are taking part in a pilot project where, for two months, they may, for instance, sit in a
In just two years, Smör- & rapsolja (butter and rapeseed oil) has gone from being a newcomer to one of Arla Foods' most successful products. Once ranked ninth in the market for liquid fats in Sweden, butter and rapeseed oil is
In terms of its environmental work, Arla Foods is a world class organisation. Big words, perhaps, but nonetheless true, believes Group Environmental Manager Jan D. Johannesen, Corporate Quality Environment Health and Safety. “We’r
Kvibille Whiskyädel, Apetina Feta and Black Castello scooped gold medals at the World Cheese Awards 2007 held recently in connection with the International Food & Drink Exhibition in London. Apetina Feta is among the cheeses f
As a further sign of Arla Foods' commitment to building competencies and encouraging staff development, Corporate HR Director Ola Arvidsson has been appointed Executive Director. Ola Arvidsson. With effect from June 1, Ola Arvidss
Tim Ørting Jørgensen, 42, Director of Arla Foods' Danish market, has been appointed Group Executive Director with responsibility for the company's international markets. He also joins the Arla Foods' Executive Management Group. Ti
Arla Foods is implementing a further 0.10 DKK per kg increase on the on account price paid to co-operative members. Last week, the company's Supervisory Board increased the milk price by 0.128 DKK per kg based on the previously an